
Clean email database
Clean email database

You should, however, keep in mind that a well-established email management habit is often all it takes to achieve Inbox Zero. There are so many other things we worry about every day that finding ten or twenty minutes of spare time for email management often seems impossible, or at least highly undesirable. Let’s be honest: email management is far from fun. Establish a Strict Email Management Schedule By applying this rule to email management, it’s possible to significantly reduce the time it takes to maintain an organized inbox while achieving virtually the same results. The 80/20 rule states that 20 percent of inputs are responsible for 80 percent of the outputs in any situation. Most email management tips are just different ways of accomplishing one goal: separate unimportant emails from important ones. In the next section, we describe several important email management tips to help you reclaim the control over your inbox.Įffectively manage your Inbox with the Clean Email app. Learning a few basic email management tips is often enough to achieve Inbox Zero, which is to say not having any unread emails left. Without a well-thought-out strategy for managing email, people often find themselves unable to handle incoming emails in a timely manner and end up with overflowing inboxes and important messages being buried somewhere deep underneath massive piles of junk.įortunately, email management is not rocket science. Legitimate newsletters, emails from friends, family, and colleagues, notifications from online services and app-all of these fight for our limited time and attention.

clean email database

But spam messages are just one part of the email conundrum. Yes, every second email sent to you belongs to trash. What may come as a shock to you is that approximately 60 percent of total email traffic is represented by spam messages. By 2022, experts predict this number to grow to 330 billion.

clean email database

According to statistics, the number of sent and received emails per day worldwide is around 280 billion.

Clean email database